Did you know you can combine all your high-interest credit cards and car loans into a low-rate mortgage? As many of you are aware, consolidation of debt is the most effective way to improve your family’s cash flow, lower your interest rate and improve your credit score.
If you are carrying an excessive amount of debt while owning a home it could put you at risk of missing payments and compromising your credit score for future financial opportunities you may have. Let us show you how you can reposition your debt and save money!
Below you will find an example to show how beneficial it is to roll all your debts into your mortgage, creating one low interest payment. The savings are immediate!!!
Here is an example showing savings of $927.33 a month in payments and $11,127.96 a year. The penalty was recovered in less than a year!
Many of our clients have taken this opportunity and have been extremely happy with the outcome!